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Cameron University

Career Opportunities

Assistant Athletic Trainer
Lawton, OK
Associate Athletic Director, Athletics
Lawton, OK
Adjunct Instructor, Art, Music and Theatre Arts
Lawton, OK
Senior Building Engineer, Maintenance Services
Lawton, OK
Student Success Coach, Strengthening Institutions
Lawton, OK
Game Room Attendant, Vending
Lawton, OK
Coordinator for Programming and Education
Lawton, OK
Graduate Assistant- Strategic Communications
Lawton, OK
Part Time Instructor of Theatre, Costume Director/Costume Designer
Lawton, OK
Graduate Assistant, Strength and Conditioning, Athletics
Lawton, OK
Academic Advisor, Student Support Services
Lawton, OK
Administrative Assistant II, Library
Lawton, OK
Assistant Athletic Director-Strategic Communications
Lawton, OK
Director, Institutional Effectiveness
Lawton, OK
Student Accounts Specialist, Student Accounts
Lawton, OK
Administrative Assistant I, Student Housing and Residence Life
Lawton, OK
Police Officer
Administrative Assistant II, Public Affairs
Lawton, OK
Graduate Assistant - Women's Basketball, Athletics
Graduate Assistant Men's and Women's Golf, Athletics
Lawton, OK
Carpenter I, Maintenance Services
Lawton, OK
Instructor in Communication
Lawton, OK
Graduate Assistant - Baseball
Lawton, OK
One year Temporary Instructor of Mathematics and Director of Student Support Services (SSS) Math Lab
Lawton, OK
Instructor of Computer Science and Information Technology
Lawton, OK
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