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Magic Valley Electric Cooperative

Powerful Change and Rewarding Work Start Here

Applicant Acknowledgement


Policy No. 111






A. No relative by blood, adoption, marriage (including step and in-law), or common law, defined as spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, half-brother, half-sister, aunt, uncle, first cousin, or domestic partner of an employee or Board member may be employed by the Cooperative.


I understand the contents of the Provisions III-A of Magic Valley Electric Cooperative’s Policy No. 111 as stated above. I hereby attest that I am not related to an existing Magic Valley Electric Cooperative employee or Board Member to the degree as stated in this policy.



Section III Provision A-3 

I understand that falsification of information on my application will disqualify me from further consideration for employment. In the case of an employee who has already been hired by the Cooperative, falsification of information on the employee's application will result in termination. I therefore certify that all the information submitted on this application is true and complete. 



I understand that nothing in this application, or in any prior or subsequent written or oral statement, creates a contract of employment or any rights in the nature of a contract. I agree and understand that if I am hired by MVEC, my employment will be at-will, for an indefinite period of time, and may be terminated at any time, with or without cause or notice, at the option of MVEC or myself. I understand that I have the right to end my employment at any time and that MVEC retains that same right. I also understand that no one has the authority to enter into any contract, agreement or modification of the foregoing unless such contract, agreement or modification is in writing and signed by the General Manager of MVEC. 

Summer Intern (High School Grad/College Student)

Mercedes, TX
ID: 181

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