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Security --> Crime Fighting

Jacksonville, 02
ID: 911

We are looking for a heroic character possessing extraordinary talents, supernatural phenomena, or superhuman powers and is dedicated to a moral goal or protecting the public.


Required Skills

  • Extraordinary powers or abilities, exceptional skills and/or advanced equipment and technology. Such as superhuman strength, the ability to fly, enhanced senses.
  • A strong moral code, including a willingness to risk one's own safety in the service of good without expectation of reward. A refusal or strong reluctance to kill or wield lethal weapons.
  • A motivation, such as a sense of responsibility, a formal calling, a personal vendetta against criminals, or a strong belief in justice and humanitarian service.
  • A secret identity that protects the superhero's friends and family from becoming targets of his or her enemies.

Required Experience

Candidate must have a back story that explains the circumstances by which the character acquired his or her abilities as well as his or her motivation for becoming a superhero. Candidate should also have rogues gallery consisting of enemies that he/she fights repeatedly. 
